How To Deal With Job Hunting Depression

If you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or depression over the job hunt, reach out to someone you feel comfortable talking to. It could be your family, friends, colleagues, or even a professional therapist. Therapists and psychologists have special training and can help you find ways to cope with the situation you are in. According to a Pew Research Center poll, over half of US individuals who are looking for work reported a pessimistic perspective about their future job prospects.

  • If you don’t get that dream job you applied for, have a plan ready to pick yourself up.
  • Recognizing the signs of job search depression and addressing it are critical for your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Many people might think this is a suggestion without merit, but in fact, meditation has been shown to have great positive benefits.
  • You will want to be sure to stick to your sleep schedule so that your body is able to properly rest and recharge.

“I use a Pomodoro app on my phone to focus for 25 minutes then have a break for five minutes. I’m actively taking care of my mental health better, talking walks regularly and doing some meditation. “I’m up by 10am and I set myself mini-goals, such as find three jobs to apply for in the morning and apply for three in the afternoon. Learn about the best 63 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background).

How Does Job Hunting and Job Less Affect Mental Health?

Also don’t be shy about asking for new contacts – the person you speak with may not be able to help right now, but they may not mind you asking for other leads and introductions. Add every new name to your plan and make sure that over time you keep reminding them that you are here. People admire other people who try to develop their working options. Toby Ingham is a UKCP registered psychotherapist working with people dealing with depression and anxiety. He has provided the following tips for anyone who is job hunting and struggling with their mood or motivation.

A True Son of Westwood UCLA – UCLA Newsroom

A True Son of Westwood UCLA.

Posted: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 16:07:18 GMT [source]

The key is to keep learning and adding to your experience; both personal and professional. You need to realize that who you are is more than just what job you do. Remember that your personality is made up of a variety of different experiences, ideas, interests, perspectives and not just defined solely by your resume. Lean into these other aspects of your personality, use them to set personal goals, and try to rebuild your confidence along the way.

Working for a large company vs small company: pros and cons

This is especially true if you are interviewing with startups and progressive-minded organizations, according to Heath. Your toolbox for getting through depressive episodes may include exercising every day, maintaining a schedule, or ensuring you get a set number of hours of sleep every night. Whatever helps you to keep your head above water, make sure you’re prioritizing it during your job hunt. If you’re interested in pursuing activities that relate to your professional skills, keeping your résumé up-to-date isn’t the only benefit, Dr. Norris said. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in April 2020, the employment rate was a whopping 14.7%. So it’s not a great leap to be concerned about the mental health toll the pandemic and unemployment rates are taking on us all.

job hunting depression

Caffeine can actually be a benefit to those with depression– in moderation. However, caffeine can also affect feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. It can affect a person’s sleep, too, which, as discussed above, is crucial for a person’s mental well-being. But job search depression is unique in that the feelings of depression are because of the job search process.

Take time for yourself (take a break from the job hunt)

Some people in the United States called the 9.6% unemployment rate in the years following the Great Recession (2007–2009) a public health crisis. A BetterUp coach can help you navigate if you’re on the right path. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of sleep, and practicing good sleep hygiene are key to managing your stress.

job hunting depression

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